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  • Reply to: Time for Outrage   13 years 8 months ago
    I have watched your 'coming out' on the issue of insurance corporation fraud and deceit with admiration for the courage it took to look yourself in the face and admit to the horrors of the industry in which you had participated for so many years. As an ex-insider you are providing valuable credence to the massive horrors of our medical industry. My concern today, tho, is to point out a hole in the portrait of this medical industry. I carefully chose this phrase as opposed to 'health care' because we do not have a health care system in this country. It is an industry predicated not only on disease, but also on the making of more disease as a means to profit. The insurance end of it complies mightily by only paying for big pharma drugs, surgery and other high cost technology while also letting the government cover those who become impoverished. What is missing is a real understanding and definition of what health looks like and how it functions. What is missing is any understanding that our human bodies have developed with the means for creating health IF we pay attention to the natural processes for building health. There is no discussion for prevention. There not only is not discussion for prevention based on natural processes for building health such as real nutrition, but big pharma, big agribiz and big chema all work to attack anything natural and healthy. Currently the FDA is marching heavily to try and complete its total assault on and destruction of the DSHEA regs (1994). This country supports the Codex Alimentarius position that nutrition has nothing to do with health (can you imagine that a medical doctor actually said this on video tape at a Codex meeting). The FDA functions more like a prostitute for the Pharm industry than any govt agency mandated to oversee drug research. Instead they give green lights to toxic and unproven drugs and literally wage SWAT team assaults on raw/organic milk farmers. So, without getting into a long harangue on the FDA, big pharma and insurance industries, suffice it to say that when arguing about health in this country, we need to change the dialogue. It must be focused on an attack of the entire system that does not believe or support health at all. It is a system that uses the public as an economic frontier for more and more wealth while health is actively destroyed. We must begin to assault this process and inform the public that there are alternatives but if we do not figh (not for them, we will lose even the modicum of access to real food, not GMOs or chemicalized imitations) and we will not have access to supplements and other holistic health protocols. Please consider this in your work as an individual or with this Center.
  • Reply to: Time for Outrage   13 years 8 months ago
    certainly by this time at this late date Mr. Potter shall have discovered a whole covy of former insurance executives who have also come to recognize the depravity of their prior misdeeds. where are they? time is short.
  • Reply to: Ohio, Wisconsin Reach For Progressive Era Tools To Fight Modern Robber Barons   13 years 8 months ago
    Yes, of course conservatives will always do whatever they can to dismantle unions. But liberals who in an effort to appear "unbiased" equate the political influence of unions with that of corporations contribute to the public suspicion of unions. Here I'm thinking specifically of Stephen Colbert's "union and corporate contrbutions" statement outside the FEC last week - a featured video of which is on your site. Union poliitcal influence is not now nor has it ever been equivalent to that of corporations and we need to be very clear about the difference in the power beween unions -organizations that repesent the interests of workers - i.e. all of us- and those that represent the interests of a few - corporate shareholders.
  • Reply to: Russ Feingold Leads Thousands in Budget Protest at Wisconsin Capitol   13 years 8 months ago
    Dairy industry surely can't be ignored in any society or country But I don't think this is so big issues as most of the industries get upset whenever a new budget is announced I hope it will also get resolved soon like other issues<em class="field"><a href="" class="field-label-inline">why go on a honeymoon cruise</a></em>
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 8 months ago

    Have some lovely beansprouts imported from Germany.
