Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 8 months ago

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!! Write to Organic/Whole Food suppliers and tell them that IF THEY DO NOT OPPOSE MONSANTO, YOU WILL NO LONGER BUY THEIR PRODUCTS!! GMOs DO in fact make people sick! I personally have to buy organic because of my sensitivity to additives etc. I always buy organic foods but I had tried a product that I knew is definitely a GM Food because I was curious, and I was violently ill for days. Meats from animals that are injected with artificial growth hormones are the same way with me. The average person cannot tell the difference because they are slowly conditioned over long periods of time to get used to the garbage that they are putting in our foods... However, if you switch to all natural, organic, free range meat for a while, then try to eat some of the non-natural meats, you will DEFINITELY taste the difference!! AND I guarantee you, you too will become violently ill from the GMO foods! Switch to Organic and All Natural foods for 6 months then try to eat some of the non-organic and you will definitely see what I mean. Once you do, convince everyone you know to try the same thing. If you love your family, care about your own well-being too, you would try this experiment and get others to as well! After all, what harm would it do you to at least TRY!!

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 8 months ago

    I have been told this by a couple people lately. I have a hard time believing it. Anyone know?

  • Reply to: Women’s Groups Call on Judge to Step Down Pending Investigation into Choking Incident   13 years 8 months ago
    A report from the George Soro funded CIR and a liberal Pro Abortion feminist group calling for a duly elected judge to step down? What a croc! If anyone should step down it Bradley who instigated the incident!!
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 8 months ago

    I worry about how this will affect the organic meat industry. If a rancher/farmer is found to have their forage contaminated with these GMO crops, I would assume this would affect their ability to keep organic status? I guess GE and Monsanto decided they had crop farmers firmly under their thumb and decided to see what else they could go after. My own small farm has been a labor of love. I spend a lot of time and money to sow in high quality organic forage for my horses and other animals. It is neither cheap nor easy, but I wanted to do what was best for the land and the animals. I'm tired of the heavy-handed bully tactics of these mega corporations who claim to want change for the better. All they care about is restricting choice for their own profit.

  • Reply to: Time for Outrage   13 years 8 months ago
    There is already plenty of outrage and endless horror stories. What is essential is to organize to do something about it! If all of the organizations working toward 'Medicare for All' (Single Payer) would reach out to join forces with all of the public and private entities that would benefit the force would be unstoppable. All of the businesses now handicapped with the cost of good health care plans for their employees and retirees would be freed of those costs and instantly made much more competitive with businesses that do not provide good coverage. If they recognized how it would help their bottom line they should be easy to get on board. Then there are all of the unions and governmental bodies from local school districts, cities and states struggling with budget problems to unions and NGOs that would benefit ENORMOUSLY if freed of health care costs for their employees and retirees. Combining these two interest groups with retirees wanting to protect what they already have would create an unstoppable movement, but it takes leadership. Of course, gaining some control over costs would be important for the long run, but even with current outrageous costs Medicare for All could be fully funded with NO NEW TAXES simply by plugging two grotesque current loopholes - the 100% exemption for Social Security and Medicate taxes on unearned income (income from profits, interest, rents, etc) and the Social Security taxation exemption on income over $106,500. Why should someone earning high income from profits, often on assets inherited in the first place, not have to pay those taxes on it the same as someone working hard every day at a job? And why should a bankster taking home a hundred million not have to pay SS taxes on all of it (Warren Buffett said his secretary pays more taxes than he does).
