Recent comments

  • Reply to: Koch Self-Interest in Criminal Justice Reform, Exposed   8 years 9 months ago
    Question: Ignoring the white collar portion, would the proposal to require proving criminal intent also then help those individuals (not corporations) who lose their property under civil asset forfeiture? It is unfortunate if one leads to the other, but it would certainly be nice to see civil asset forfeiture stopped, immediately.
  • Reply to: Privatization Fail: Scott Walker’s WEDC in Full Meltdown   8 years 9 months ago
    Government's job is not 'job creation.' It is property management for the public good.
  • Reply to: Did Scalia Really Say That? "Citizens United" Lurks Behind Supreme Court's Latest Money-in-Politics Case   8 years 9 months ago
    Citizens United simply accelerates our descent into class war. If we do not repudiate the blind mantra of "free market economics," we ought to abrogate the Second Amendment, because free market economics will precipitate us into such economic inequalities that class war will become not only inevitable, but also desirable, and the Second Amendment will put every enraged citizen under arms in the coming confrontation between the 10% and the 90%. Socialism was an integral mediator in colonial New England's semi-capitalist economy for nearly two hundred years before the Industrial Revolution reintroduced feudalism in a new suit of clothes designed by Adam Smith. Communistic societies like the Shakers and the Oneida Commune held more patents than capitalist corporations until the mid-19th century, so socialism and communism do not suppress innovation--they encourage it, and suppress the dictatorship of oligarchs.
  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   8 years 9 months ago
    If the patient has to fear an additional charge in order to ask a question about his/her health, how is that beneficial? Your are supposed to be a healer. I understand that there are limits and some people will abuse the relationship. The car mechanic analogy that is being so freely used is disturbing. I am a human being; not a car.
  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   8 years 9 months ago
    My insurance premium goes up every year like clockwork. I guess my insurance company is altruistic and truly cares about me and is looking out for my health. I mean, if the premium ever went down just once, I might have a heart attack.
