I would guess this is all due to the NorthAmerican Security & Prosperity Partnership... which spawned the NorthAmerican Competitiveness Council.
Jan. 10 - 11 2006 ..... account of meeting from Council of Americas, atendees discussed " marrying policy issues with business priorities", and that " one critical factor in the success of NASPP will be the active engagement of the NA business community.
If you look up the NACompetitiveness Council, you will find the same business and individuals involved. The SPP was the worst behind doors piece of legislation ever developed for Canada , U.S. , Mexican citizens.I have been trying to warn people about the SPP for 6yrs.
Working on keeping a somewhat comprehensive lists of mentions and press on your project (and not much else, for now) as more and more folks across the net take it up:
Thank you for this extensive, incredible work.