If people sign a pledge to some individual like Norquist, or some group of individuals or corporations, to never raise taxes then swear to uphold the Constitution when taking an elected office with responsibilities like keeping our nation's infrastructure intact, our nation's debts paid, enacting & adjusting taxes etc., doesn't the latter sworn promise supersede a pledge to a private citizen? If they continue to treat both pledges as equal, or the former as a priority, how is that not a violation of the public trust? [Also, is it just me, or when an elected politician goes to TV saying that these people in Washington must be restrained from spending as if they're talking about a 3rd party, doesn't that politician sound like an idiot?]
Are the people of America so unaware of the United States' history that the fact that the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation for the pressing reason that the Articles didn't include the power to tax, which, uncorrected, would have left this country unable to pay back the debts incurred during the Revolution? Without the power to enact & collect taxes, America would have been the moral & political equivalent of Port Royal - a haven for pirates & renegade privateers. Without the power to collect taxes, we wouldn't have survived as a real nation.
Also, have the corporations & their lapdogs not noticed that the periods of the 20th century when taxes were highest were also the times of greatest prosperity - including nice, fat revenues for corporations?
Right now the corporations, the Republicans & the teavangelists are like the dragon sitting on a pile of gold in a medieval romance - the dragon can't eat the gold & without being used as a medium of trade, what value does gold even have?
The empty vessels make the loudest sound now. With Lord Black, Pandora Maxwell and Chris Bryant on his back, Rupert Murdoch will finally get some sympathy: http://dasteepsspeaks.blogspot.com/2011/07/empty-vessel-makes-loudest-sound.html
Lisa - I have been attempting to access your ALEC Exposed page with the ALEC Legislation...and the page keeps coming up as unavailable. Wanted to ask if it is down for uploading more, or is it a more serious problem, perhaps?
Bob Sloan - Exposting ALEC at Daily Kos
I have seen variations on this ad on many sites and the grammatical error in the headline is always the same "One Trick _OF_ A Tiny Belly". Now it occurs to me that is probably to avoid outright fraud, since the ad's headline really doesn't say anything. If it said "FOR a Tiny Belly" the direct implication is made that a causal relationship exists between that result and the product advertised.
The empty vessels make the loudest sound now. With Lord Black, Pandora Maxwell and Chris Bryant on his back, Rupert Murdoch will finally get some sympathy: http://dasteepsspeaks.blogspot.com/2011/07/empty-vessel-makes-loudest-sound.html
Yes, thank you very much
I have seen variations on this ad on many sites and the grammatical error in the headline is always the same "One Trick _OF_ A Tiny Belly". Now it occurs to me that is probably to avoid outright fraud, since the ad's headline really doesn't say anything. If it said "FOR a Tiny Belly" the direct implication is made that a causal relationship exists between that result and the product advertised.