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  • Reply to: Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country   13 years 7 months ago
    My Dad is 89. He has, thank God, let his driver's license expire. Why shouldn't he be allowed to vote? Or why should he have to jump through hoops to get a picture ID that he doesn't need for any other reason? It's kind of a hassle for Dad to get out of the house and wait in line to get his picture taken. And what problem is being solved? Nobody is impersonating voters one-by-one at the polls. That would be a really stupid way to try to steal an election. The whole point is to keep marginal voters, who overwhelmingly vote for Democrats, from casting their ballots.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 7 months ago

    The best way to fight back is to go vegan (you won't have to worry about whether meat is organic) and growing your own garden with organic seeds (you won't have to worry about GMO in your food). I don't buy from Whole Foods anyway, only from farmers Markets who don't spray and local health food stores. So I stay healthy and strong in my older years.

  • Reply to: Why Don't We Talk About Smoking and Celebrity Deaths?   13 years 7 months ago
    I'm sure that someone who knows you and cares about you doesn't want to lose you in a horrific way. I lost my step-mother and my uncle to lung cancer (neither of them smoked) and it was a horrible, excrutiatingly painful death. My grandfather (who was a smoker) slowly drowned to death (it's called emphysema). I have an adult son who smokes and it scares me to think of losing him this way. While true that we'll all die someday and there are other unhealthy activities that can contribute to our death, we know so much about smoking and the things that it does to your body that I can't understand why someone would want to do that to themselves...and why someone wouldn't care enough about the people around them to spare them of the heartbreak. I'll lighten up when everyone stops lighting up. Deal?
  • Reply to: Soft Drink Industry Using Smokin' PR   13 years 7 months ago

    Key factors for competitive success within the soft drink industry branch from the trends of the macroenvironment. Primarily, constant product innovation is imperative. A company must be able to recognize consumer wants and needs, while maintaining the ability to adjust with the changing market.

  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   13 years 7 months ago
    You've done an amazing job of exposing this outrageous organization, one of the mechanisms that has been used to undermine our democratic process (Lisa Graves, the Center for Media & Democracy and the heroic Alec insider who shared the documents). Thanks so much! I have to wonder, though. Your "Action!" recommendations don't include bombarding legislators with loud vehement protest about their unethical participation in such a secret backdoor legislative process (corporations and legislators alone, voting on policies!). I don't understand why that wouldn't be the first action, unless you feel as cynical as I often do - that there's no point. Say it ain't so!
