It was not a by the way question, the doctor asked if there was anything else she wanted to discuss. This was a physical where you talk about any problems you may have.
You completely missed the point!
"...the problem is the bees when visiting flowers after the insecticide has been sprayed pick up tainted pollen..." is NOT the problem: the problem is that YOU apply the pesticide.
Illinois has an Open Meetings Act; Illinois legislators attending these meetings would be subject to its provisions. Under Illinois law, for example, if a majority of a quorum of any elected government body meets to discuss public business, there must be public notice of the meeting and it must be open to the public and news media, regardless of where the meeting takes place. Presumably other states have similar legislation. Is there any indication that any state's Open Meetings Act may have been violated?
Here's a partial list:
More information on the bills is available here, at Who Is Behind ALEC:
"...the problem is the bees when visiting flowers after the insecticide has been sprayed pick up tainted pollen..." is NOT the problem: the problem is that YOU apply the pesticide.