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  • Reply to: Harold Camping's Global Apocalypse PR Campaign   13 years 7 months ago
    but so are ANY who count on the various Abrahamic books as being divine, holy, inerrant, or "Truth" -- Regards, Reyn
  • Reply to: Koch Brothers "Prank" No Laughing Matter   13 years 7 months ago
    And you Madam forgot several things: 1. It's been called Investigative reporting for centuries. I VERY MUCH doubt that its a felony under WI law, since the police use the same tactic to catch criminals. I suspect that impersonating a person for direct gain (as in robbing his bank account) is; but this is a different tactic, and press use of this tactic has never been ruled impersonation by the SCOTUS, where it would end up. It certainly is not a felony under federal law or the Bill of Rights - the rights of the press ARE protected. 2. EVEN if it were a felony under WI law, it isn't under NY law - from whence the reporter was operating. (Greetings from NY -- I love WI, we visit often - though not in the present Right Wing climate, we'll see again after the recalls) As an interstate matter it would end up in federal court, and see the final lines of 1 above. 3. What Governor Walker did IS a felony on the other hand in WI, no question -- I've read the law; and he DID signal assent to a felonious action. That is no different from the guy who agrees with a press representative to pay for sex with the 10 year old girl, or buy drugs, or whatever -- which results in ... what??? The arrest and trial of the guy agreeing. There never was a 10 year old girl for him to buy, the drugs didn't exist. The sting was... a press fraud -- but you will notice that the police are right there for an arrest -- that alone should tell you that your argument is specious. Read your laws, read the federal laws, and understand that whether you like it, or not -- what Governor Walker did in that call (not to mention in his administration) is criminal. Regards, Reyn
  • Reply to: Colvin on Comparing the Constitutional Amendments Proposed after Citizens United   13 years 7 months ago
    How about: SECTION 1. Every citizen of the United States, who is eighteen years of age or older, shall have the right to vote in any public election held in the jurisdiction in which he or she resides. SECTION 2. The right to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, any State, or any other public or private person or entity, except that the United States or any State may establish regulations narrowly tailored to produce efficient and accurate elections. SECTION 3. Only natural persons who are citizens of the United States may make contributions and expenditures to influence the exercise of a citizen’s right to vote, except that Congress or any State may allocate public funds in equal amounts to finance the election campaigns of two or more candidates for the same office.
  • Reply to: ALEC, For-Profit Criminal Justice, and Wisconsin   13 years 7 months ago
    Glad to see this article regarding commercial bail bonding and more importantly the efforts in Wisconsin to reintroduce that practice there - by ALEC and the ABC through Vos and Walker. Thankfully as you noted, Wisconsin rolled back much of the TIS laws over the years...only to see an ALEC Alum take over the reins of that state and put them back in place. This clearly demonstrates the concerns and interests of the Wisconsin citizens were placed on the back seat to ALEC and their corporate interests through Walker. Criminal Justice laws are what helped incarcerate that 2.4 million Americans since ALEC began introducing their "Model Legislation" in 1980 to both incarcerate and privatize prisons for the benefit of their corporate members. Much of their CJ "Acts" revolve around implementing tough minimum mandatory laws used to incarcerate more and the TIS and abolishing of state and federal parole to keep prisoners longer. They have been so successful that it led to the expansion through their Immigration legislation in 2009-10, developed to fill more beds and increase profits off the backs of those who come here to work and seek a better life. Kudos to The Nation and Center for Media and Democracy for helping shine the light on this nefarious and anti-democratic cabal. Hopefully that light will drive them from our sight and political arenas posthaste.
  • Reply to: Leaked EPA Memos May Explain Massive Bee Die-Off   13 years 7 months ago

    sold out to ALEC! Bayer's name is on thier list. This is why so called gov officials, GOP , let it pass w/o a whisper, its why GOP is all for anything corporate and against everything human!
