What do contaminated sprouts have to do with Round-Up-Ready produce, Mr. Altmann?
As far as I'm concerned, accepting GMO crops and the blanket of highly toxic pesticides that GMO crops accommodate flies in the face of all that Whole Foods pretends it stands for. I guess I really will have to stop shopping there. Thank God for Mom's Organic Market!
Thank you for pointing out that, in Wisconsin, the Walker agenda actually began with Gov. Tommy Thompson. His welfare "reform"/workfare policies have effectively created a super-cheap Third World workforce right here in WI, serving to crush unionizing efforts, suppress wages and wipe out labor rights and protections. We now have an abundant (and growing) pool of cheap replacement labor. You don't like it? Tough, you can be replaced with workfare labor by morning.
Speaking as someone who has wanted to be a Bounty Hunter since he was a child, is a democrat and had gone to school for Criminal Justice, I see nothing wrong with it.
I want to be a Bounty Hunter and correct me if I am wrong but I happen to think getting criminals off the street is actually a good thing.
The only people who dissagree with getting criminals off the street should be criminals and those who hire criminals.
What do contaminated sprouts have to do with Round-Up-Ready produce, Mr. Altmann?
As far as I'm concerned, accepting GMO crops and the blanket of highly toxic pesticides that GMO crops accommodate flies in the face of all that Whole Foods pretends it stands for. I guess I really will have to stop shopping there. Thank God for Mom's Organic Market!