Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 7 months ago

    I strongly oppose the strangle hold Monsanto has on Soy bean production. I know they are trying to acquire exclusive rights to other crops as well. If you cave into them I will stop shopping in your stores.

  • Reply to: Big Banks to Try Putting on Lipstick   13 years 7 months ago

    It's not the damned employees. It's the f***ing tycoons! It has all been preplanned. Is the world f***ing daft!?!?

  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   13 years 7 months ago
    I just put my money where my mouth is: 1. I have not set foot in a Walmart store in over 3 years now. 2. I don't drink coca cola products 3. I just canceled my AT&T wireless account after 10 years ... a welcome byproduct of this is that no one knows my new number. 4. I shop at small local stores whenever possible even if it costs a few pennies more. 5. I purchase the store brand cheese (and other products) instead of Kraft 6. etc...
  • Reply to: ALEC, For-Profit Criminal Justice, and Wisconsin   13 years 7 months ago
    I completely support the article and the observations. The Koch Bros puppeteering through the governors they bought is doing more to inflame the Class Warfare that is now rampant in those states and across the nation. The denial of Republican voters to see through these corrupt policies is the most frightening aspect of the entire debacle. How do you have a logical conversation with an idiot? I get too many updates from organizations like CMD to read them all and usually just go for the headlines or highlights. With writers like Fischer I will take a few more minutes to read this informative reporting so I can share with others who have the intelligence to see that cancer has to be excised at the source, not just treat the symptoms.
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 7 months ago
    It is shameful and just plain wrong that it is legal for anonymous wealthy people can try to influence the governance of Wiesonsin and the United States. This is nothing short of buying a judge. Wjat have we come to?
