I recently sent the following letter to my state legislators, and urge you to do the same. This organization has been effective because it has been allowed to fly under the public's radar for many decades. The more state policy makers are questioned about there affiliation with this group, the less influence they will have on policy.
Dear Senator ____________,
I am writing to respectfully request that you disclose whether or not you are affiliated in any way with or are a member of the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC). If you are a member of this organization, I further request that you disclose the number of meetings sponsored by this organization that you have attended within the past two years, a list of corporate members who attended such meetings, and a summary of legislative topics addressed at said meetings. I am requesting this information because I believe that constituents have a right to know the extent to which law and policy makers may be influence by corporate interests.
Further, I am interested in becoming a member of ALEC as a private individual so that I might also attend meetings where such matters are discussed. Unfortunately, the current membership fees for public sector members are cost prohibitive. If you are a member of ALEC, please encourage its governing members to create a mechanism by which private individuals might also become members, at a reasonable cost, and participate in its activities.
I await your reply.
Is Norquist a member of ALEC? His organization seems to link both the anti-tax pledge project among national politicians and the effort to place cookie-cutter tax reform legislation in all the states, thus playing into the hands of any conservatives who wish to pander to the libertarian-tea party base.
How is it that this company has so much power to do this to local companies and farms, is sickening. I guess monopolies are no longer illegal or should I say it's illegal to those who can't afford to pay the right officials. I will boycott Whole Foods myself!
Everybody in Honduras knows --even the Resistencia that lies about it-- that the removal of Zelaya had the backing of at least 80% and probably 85% of the Honduran people, and that including the poor, who can see what happened to the poor in Cuba and now in Venezuela and do not want to go there.
The PR spin started with the golpista Zelaya changing into pajamas for the press in Costa Rica. Neighbors of the Palace testified watching him march away in a full dress suit, and photos of his fully-suited self were shown in court later too. Even the Allende Communist Insulza stopped talking about the pajamas when Micheletti showed him those photos.
Zelaya was the golpista, he just didn't declare it. Leftist golpistas like Chavez guided this PR strategy. He dissolved the Congress in effect by refusing to enforce their laws and blatantly defying them. He refused to offer a budget so he could just spend tax revenues and loans in 2009 for his coup cover of a fraudulent referendum with "pre-counted" results.
He didn't "dissolve" the courts, just said he didn't have to obey "pipsqueak little judges" ("juecesitos").
The Constitution, showing disgust with strong-man presidents-for-life, declares any government official that supports presidential re-election as automatically relieved of their position and also makes constitutional any rebellion against such an illegal regime.
How is it that this company has so much power to do this to local companies and farms, is sickening. I guess monopolies are no longer illegal or should I say it's illegal to those who can't afford to pay the right officials. I will boycott Whole Foods myself!