Recent comments

  • Reply to: America's Inefficient and Ineffective Approach to Border Security   13 years 7 months ago
    I find it rather interesting that the DREAM act is a response to the damage cause by negative political decisions in our country's recent past. Let me explain. The DREAM act is a bill that would offer citizenship to those illegal aliens who choose to serve in the military or attend college. How convenient that we currently have less people pursuing higher education and less people motivated to join the army. Don't you find it rather interesting that now we have a bill for other people (illegal aliens--individuals who we don't want in our country btw...) to pick up the slack for our own American citizens. If you don't understand my sarcastic tone thusfar, let me be more straightforward. America got itself into this mess, now it needs to get itself out. It cannot merely change its position and values subjectively to fit the current economy. If you want my honest opinion, I'm going to start looking into <a rel='help' href="">home security systems</a> to keep myself safe. As someone who lives in San Diego, that's probably the best bet at this point. A fence is not really possible and obviously no other long-term solutions have been implemented as of now so we'll just have to sit tight and protect ourselves!
  • Reply to: Arizona to Spend $250K on Tourism PR Campaign   13 years 7 months ago

    The 'success' of Arizona's SB1070 has been the result of a masterful public relations campaign by HighGround Public Affairs Consultants. The owner of HighGround is Chuck Coughlin. Mr. Coughlin wears "many hats". In addition to being a lobbyist for private prisons/Corrections Corporation for America (CCA), he is also Governor Jan Brewer's chief policy advisor and campaign manager. In addition, he's the self-proclaimed #1 top GOP 'political operative' in Arizona. In this role, he effectively decides who will run for which races, who they will oppose - if anyone, and how they will win. He decides who will be intimidated and bullied into pulling out of races where he has personal investments at stake. He is very successful, in no small part due to his strategic manipulation and control of media. GOP candidates state in testimonials that they cannot expect to win without his "management" of their campaign and associated activities.

    AZ State Senate President, Russell Pearce, credits Chuck Coughlin with his victories, as well as passage of several of Arizona's recent and strongly adverse legislation, including SB1070, as just one example. Coughlin's client list includes the largest and most influential corporate sponsors/lobbyists, and Arizona's most dubious characters and corrupt politicians, including Fife Symington, who was convicted of felony charges as governor and sentenced to time in the federal penitentiary.

    Prior to release of ALEC documents by the Center for Media & Democracy, NPR conducted an undercover investigation of Pearce and Coughlin's role in making deals with CCA lobbyists to enlist ALEC in drafting of SB1070. This investigation was released in a 2-part series October 2010 -- less than a week before the Nov. 2 gubernatorial election. Coughlin effectively blocked media reports so most voters never had access to this information until now. The outcome went as planned: Jan Brewer became our governor. Probably the worst governor in our history, and we've had many, including several who've been recalled, impeached, and/or incarcerated.

    SB1070 was never about immigration. It was formulated for the express purpose of creating "demand" for private prisons through the rounding up of detainees for profit. It required elaborate storytelling about headless bodies in the desert and assorted scare tactics that have separated neighbor from neighbor -- needlessly and heartlessly -- for political gain. What are we protecting ourselves from through enabling these immoral practices that have divided our state and our people?

    No one has denied that we need to tighten our borders. However, illegal immigration has followed a consistently downhill trend over the past 20 years -- beginning years prior to concoction of this grievously deceptive bill. Should we tighten our borders? Yes. SB1070 does nothing to tighten our borders. Instead, it diverts massive state funds and limited resources toward division and destruction of our once beautiful state into one where citizens and yet-to be citizens live in media-fueled fear of reprisal -- not for state or national security, but for profit and political gain.

    This is only one of several reasons that Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce has been successfully recalled by Citizens for a Better Arizona. This is an historical first in Arizona. Pearce "represents" legislative district #18, decidedly one of the most conservative and strongly Republican districts in the state. Still, it is no surprise that Pearce's own GOP constituents, LDS Mormon church leaders, and the Chamber of Commerce, declared overwhelmingly that he is too extreme for them, and too extreme for Arizona. For this reason, Republicans, Democrats, Independants, Libertarians, etc. have spoken in one clear voice: they want him OUT. If there are doubts or misperceptions about the extent and magnitude of their outrage over his failed leadership, they'll make it abundantly clear on November 8.

  • Reply to: Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country   13 years 7 months ago
    Driving and banking is a priviledge, voting is a right. A question to show you what matters -- if requiring an ID meant anyone would not vote in some cases, would you still support it? Requiring anything in my state means the lowest income folks do not vote as much, and it costs some of the votes of the old, the lazy and the infirm. Would you choose for convenience or as a protection from fraud you have no evidence of, to deny any single American the right to vote? Putting a requirement on it does just that. No spin just fact. If you do you're worse than a terrorist at protecting American freedoms for which many have died.
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   13 years 7 months ago
    ...if you receive a reply. Anne Landman CMD Editor
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   13 years 7 months ago
    I also sent the following e-mail to ALEC figuring that, if this organization is really what it claims to be, then is shouldn't mind allowing imput from private individuals on the drafting of proposed legislation: ________________________________________ Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inquire how I might become a member of your organization as a private individual. I have a great interest in the drafting of legislation in the state of Indiana, and would like to be allowed to attend meetings with other members to discuss the public policy implications of such legislation. Unfortunately, your current fees for private sector members are cost prohibitive. Please advise as to how I might be able to attain membership in your organization, at a cost that is reasonable for a private individuals, so that I might attend meetings/discussions on topics of proposed model legislation. I await your reply. Respectfully, ______________________________________
