The "I have to do it all the time!" argument is widely repeated almost verbatim, as the stock response to these various exposes of the ALEC criminal enterprise. While I don't doubt there are enough sheep out there who could be watching Fox and immediately hitting the internets with The Good News Of Roger, it's far more likely that the Koch spin doctors are glutting various websites and blogs like this one with these disingenuous talking points. They have the funds, and a lot of people are out of work. So, please ignore it ALL.
Attorney General Eric Holder needs to have the Justice Department file immediate injunctions against the implementation of any and all new state voter suppression laws (how long do you think before they invoke "state's rights"?), and launch a Federal criminal investigation into the genesis and passing of these laws (ALEC; AFP, etc.) as a premeditated, conspiratorial violation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Health care concerns for children, spouses, and older parents are a great burden for the working adults of our society. Just imagine what we could do, as a society, if we weren't always busy worrying about how to keep our families healthy, educated, occupied. When we don't put laws and programs into place to ensure a successful future, we end up with what we have now. Foresight is not such a hard concept.
The tactics being used in Wisconsin to create a GOP dictatorship are both dangerous and clever. The fiendish Koch/ALEC cabal that Weyrich, Norquist et al have developed over the years can bring this state and this country to ruin. Sadly, the major "news" media, in great part bought and paid for by Big Business, far too rarely report the treasonous acts of the GOP. Sadly, too, even in the best of democratic times, there's an apathy among voters. Voting takes time. "My vote can't make a difference, " etc. And this apathy is just what the GOP strategists are counting on. Now they are re-enacting the anti-voting tactics that prevailed across the South until the late 60's.
But in the 60's African Americans and some of their non-Black allies rose up and demanded enfranchisement for all Americans. We'll be back in that anti-vote condition in Wisconsin unless democracy-loving Wisconsinites rise up, go to the polls, and push back the tide of tyranny. We can do it - but only if people VOTE WHILE WE STILL CAN.
The results of free trade or slavery, where the goods are made by slaves, in slave countries, and sold by virtual slaves, under the right to work act, an attack against people who work under work contracts tp protect their human rights, a country who took down the import taxation barrier that discouraged slavery and was proamerican independence. Michigan, a manufacturing state, saw and end to our manufacturing infrastructure, whose slave stores ended the small family business sector, and the loss of our jobs-------many countries in the world do not have free trade, like japan, who make in japan what japan consumes, and exports to the world. the avg jap family has 70,000 in the bank the interest rate has been 1 % for a decade, they have no federal reserve bank who steals their tresury then lends it back to them at whatever interest they want. Japan puts their criminaliy in government in jail.
The subrogation inquiry is routine for any illness that may result from an injury. Just fill it out and tell them this was not the result of an accident or injury. Most times, degenerative spinal disease is just that- it comes with age...
I am a patient advocate and have worked in the financial end of healthcare for 30 years. The form may seem intimidating, but really, it is routine.
For example, suppose you were in a car accident and a spinal injury was sustained. Your health insurance carrier may legally go after the other driver's insurance company to pay the medical bills-
Have filled them out myself-usually, you are able to do it online and once they have info that no one else is responsible for the payment, they will leave you alone. Hope this helps to alleviate your suspicions!
Jillian Barclay