Boycott buy nothing from them: They are ALEC members who are determined to destroy our Democracy. How to fight corporations: make them PAY by reducing their profits: when they've lost enough money - DEMAND they resign from ALEC.
There are lots of corporations on the ALEC list, but AMAZON sponsored their current meeting in LA. Let's start with just ONE, and then pick them off - one by one.
I AGREE with you whole-heartedly! The spin on this is ridiculous. I have had to show picture ID to vote in MY state for as long as I can remember. It is nothing new at all. I was also a college student...decades ago...and believe it or not, picture ID's were issued THEN! so what is the deal now????
To your critics:
For goodness sakes, just because of the first tenants of Obamacare are now in place we had to provide birth certificates for the kids, marriage license for my spouse, notarized affidavit of "adult child" with no other option of insurance, AND a copy of our taxes!!....just to PROVE that my kids were MY kids, my wife MY wife, and my daughter (self employed) uninsured.... TO GET INSURANCE to cover us at all......threatened to make the whole family "in-eligible" if I didn't co-operate!
Get used to it....government demanding whatever IT wants to provide whatever YOU think it needs here to stay. You want all the entitlements start jumping through the hoops!
Personally, I liked it the "old" way!
ALEC is nothing more, or less, than a Conspiracy to suppress voting; in essence to take away our rights as citizens.
Those efforts are widespread & far flung; right now taking place all over the map of the U.S.
Irresponsible corporations & wealthy people in partnership with bought legislators in all the states & in the Federal Government; in the U.S. Congress.
Their objective is to continue their attack on Democracy; the American people.
Soros does fund his ideology as do the Koch bros, Murdoch etc. The difference is that Soros is funding causes helping the working class while the Koch/Murdoch donators are fighting for the rights of giant corporations. Fox news will have. you voting against your own interest and feed you all the info you need to defend your position. Fox news sheeples need to turn off Fox and come into the light...