Try a Google search "whole foods gmo" for some background information on Whole Foods. This blurb article was about "caving" to Monsanto not providing a research article on Whole Foods. I have read and known about WF Natural vs Organic issue for years and no longer enter their stores. I shop a coop or farmers market or grow my own.
For more information on this problem and yes I believe it is a huge problem, research and read other articles at (OCA). Also since Monsanto's latest and greatest approved GMO (mentioned in the blurb is Roundup Resistant crops) utilizes spraying alfalfa with Roundup to kill weeds without affecting the alfalfa. Wonder were the Roundup goes? Into the soil and on the alfalfa maybe. What eats the alfalfa? Maybe cattle and other grazing animals. Cattle becomes the beef available in the marketplace and beef consumers can end up ingesting Roundup.
Recent research found the active ingredient in Roundup caused cancer and birth defect in lab animals. A recent article discusses the impact of Roundup on humans (infertility and cancer) and other problem ares.
Sorry for going so far afield, but as I said it is a huge problem and thank you for reading.
What is wrong with needing a voter ID? The problem is that if you need to get one, then you have to go to a DMV in Wisconsin. Most towns and small cities are not near a DMV. I called my representative to ask for the law to be amended to allow for many more places to issue the voter IDs. I suggested any government or police office. She said that wouldn't work. That only the DMV had the needed computer access to do such work. Well, then, why can I go to my local post office for a passport? How is it that the police can look up any amount of information on folks in their offices? Actually, I think that most police cars have computers liking them to governmental information. Limiting the ID access to only the DMVs really shows that the law is meant to limit voter rights.
Hey readers...
So what if private corporations try to protect their interests? Get over your sixties "anti" mentality. Our biggest problem today is a corrupt government... corrupted by anyone with dollars be they "evil" corporations or a bunch of sophomoric morons who blog out of their parents basements and live off of my taxes. Simple solution is that the government is TOO BIG, TOO INTRUSIVE, and run by overeducated idiots. ALEC is simply the politically opposing isomer to the Center for American Progress. How come I don't see the left "intelligentsia" {chuckle} in this country deride the influence of leftist groups on modern politics, not to mention their total takeover and corruption of American media??? I guess if the progressives do it then it's okay. When you idiots succeed in destroying private property rights (redistribution of wealth is just that...) then our over 200 year experiment is over. Of course if you'd rather sit on your sorry asses and whine about what losers you leftists are, then be my guest.. just ask your parents for a loan, don't pick my pocket.
Your statement is full of absurd and already-debunked nonsense. The Weather Action link cites Christopher Monckton, who has no scientific training and has been exposed as a know-nothing fraud a hundred times, and the other 'facts' stated on that page are full of holes. The cosmic ray 'theory' is only supported by Alex Jones-style conspiracy science-hating nutjobs.
I suppose virtually every credible scientific body in the world that supports the facts behind manmade global climate change are all part of the brainwashing you mention?
Try a Google search "whole foods gmo" for some background information on Whole Foods. This blurb article was about "caving" to Monsanto not providing a research article on Whole Foods. I have read and known about WF Natural vs Organic issue for years and no longer enter their stores. I shop a coop or farmers market or grow my own.
For more information on this problem and yes I believe it is a huge problem, research and read other articles at (OCA). Also since Monsanto's latest and greatest approved GMO (mentioned in the blurb is Roundup Resistant crops) utilizes spraying alfalfa with Roundup to kill weeds without affecting the alfalfa. Wonder were the Roundup goes? Into the soil and on the alfalfa maybe. What eats the alfalfa? Maybe cattle and other grazing animals. Cattle becomes the beef available in the marketplace and beef consumers can end up ingesting Roundup.
Recent research found the active ingredient in Roundup caused cancer and birth defect in lab animals. A recent article discusses the impact of Roundup on humans (infertility and cancer) and other problem ares.
Sorry for going so far afield, but as I said it is a huge problem and thank you for reading.