Recent comments

  • Reply to: Protesters Spotlight Corporate Influence in State Politics at ALEC Annual Meeting   13 years 7 months ago
    I'm sure you've considered the possibility that the NOLA Anarcha people were planted there by one of the Koch brothers' hit squads.
  • Reply to: Protesters Spotlight Corporate Influence in State Politics at ALEC Annual Meeting   13 years 7 months ago
    you are really slimy, sir. your unethical, un-fact checked reporting should be an embarrassment to a group supposedly concerned with media and democracy. The young man arrested, having allegedly spraypainted on the Mariott, no doubt acted out in frustration at the complete lack of spine anyone else has shown in actually confronting the likes of ALEC and their corporate members. Your protest would not have accomplished a damn thing even if there were no anarchists there, and you know it. The unethical part comes in when you say: #1) that it was a group of people who spraypainted. Did you see more than one person do it? There were plenty of cameras there, is there any photos? #2) that the person spraypainting was with NOLA Anarcha. We don't know who painted that wall, but it was no one from the collective that runs the NOLA Anarcha blog. Where is any evidence? Did you even ask us if we were responsible? no. (Not that we disagree with it, that response to ALEC was the only one that comes close to being appropriate for the things they've done in pursuit of profit). And, #3, that singer you praise, guess what? He is an anarchist too! Oh My! We are everywhere! Hide under your sheets! Blame us for the progressive ineffectiveness in the face of the greatest increase in corporate power since the time before the Great Depression. That should work. You probably still belive in Obama, too, don't ya? You are delusional. Wake up, maybe read some Chris Hedges. I hear The Death of the Liberal Class is pretty decent.
  • Reply to: ALEC Hotels   13 years 7 months ago
    These greedy bastards are subverting democracy. Keep up the good work of exposing them. Thanks for all you do.
  • Reply to: ALEC Hotels   13 years 7 months ago
    Now we know who to boycott, Bill.
  • Reply to: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?   13 years 7 months ago
    I find the flooding of the Minneapolis TV stations with ads for a Wisconson election obnoxious. IT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS TO SUBJECT US TO THIS HITLER LIKE PROPAGANDA. In the future my family, friends and neighbors intend to vote against any candidate that CSA supports.
