Who runs for office and why? The trouble with "vote them out of office" is the fact that elections are so convoluted and perverted by money that few candidates of worth are even in the running. The level of perversion now allowed by the supreme court jesters has completely corrupted the body politic. Add to that the fact that privately owned right wing greedy corporations count the votes with court protected election machines. That leaves we the people with 100% unverifiable totals and gives the republican mafia a license to steal elections with out fear of being caught or prosecuted. The new American society is truly pathetic.
" We are anarchists, and that means we will unashamedly advocate anarchist solutions to the problems we face. We support movements but we don't wait for them. We are in the thick of it."
At the protest those dressed in black and claiming to be anarchists - and now claiming to not be affiliated with NOLA Anarcha - handed out flyers to the protesters, signed with "NOLA Anarcha" at the bottom. They can't even be honest in claiming their unwanted participation and quickly throw out that the one arrested was from Biloxi, again trying to put distance between themselves and a member of their group that attended, dressed in similar attire, chanting the same slogans, marching with them.
I attended from Indiana as a member of the Protest Alec group. Others came from Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and elsewhere. We proudly identified with the activism and took part.
Simply because the one who was arrested was from outside LA., does not mean he wasn't representing NOLA Anarcha (even if they don't exist as claimed by the pro-anarchist responses to this article.
Too much alcohol can brought to accidents..But is there an apple flavor for that?
What do you mean they dont come to our beautiful country? You just dont know dude.