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  • Reply to: Tar Sands Action to Commence Saturday at White House   13 years 6 months ago
    There are people who think that the attacks against the Keystone XL pipeline construction are based solely on misinformation and partisan politics and that its construction will actually give our economy a boost that it needs right now but the truth is that according to the latest news the government of Canada will not keep its promise to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a result of excessive oil sand production. We call ourselves an environmentally conscious <a href="">nation</a> but our government is doing everything to damage this self-stereotype of ours. That's why the construction of the pipeline has stirred so much controversy in our country.
  • Reply to: Taking on Bachmann, Whose Pants Are Always On Fire   13 years 6 months ago
    Great reporting, Wendell! Fighting for good!
  • Reply to: Leaked EPA Memos May Explain Massive Bee Die-Off   13 years 6 months ago

    You don't need studies. Use logic. Governments allow Pesticide Corporations to manufacture millions of pounds of pesticide every year. The product (a poison) goes in a container AND on that container they paste a label with the directions on how to mix the pesticide with water and other pesticides, how and when to spray it, how to dispose the left over mixture, how to dispose rise from the sprayer and the rinse from the container and how/where to dispose of the actual container (bury it or recycle it etc).

    Directions on a piece of paper is all that's between you and safety in the regulation of poison in your food and on the bee's food. Covering our planet with billions of pounds poured, dumped and sprayed since WWI is going to be a problem very soon. So, now that you know that - what value is there is a study?

    The people who actually control pesticide - who determine the safety of pesticide in and on your food are the people who use the pesticide - the applicators. Any safety derived from a field test where they determine how much they can use so it doesn't kill you or the bees is a moot point if the farmer can't read. Millions of people can't read directions, can't measure, don't know how to spray or calculate humidity or wind speed - you don't spray when there is no wind so how much wind is OK?

    Remember this - pesticides are not regulated at the point where they enter the environment. All regulation is done after there has been an accident or a violation and even then, the Government's job is merely to achieve compliance with the legislation (follow the directions on the label). What does that mean? Well, if people are employed to achieve compliance - it means people don't spray it right.

    How do I know all this? from surviving a pesticide violation. So please, use my knowledge - it came at a high cost. Share this information until we get enough people with common sense to stop the use of pesticide - we need to stop drowning our planet with pesticides and chemicals. There is not much time left - pesticides ends up in the ocean - pesticides kill fish - the ocean is dying right now. When the ocean dies so do people. So do it for your grandchildren

  • Reply to: ALEC Exposed: Warming Up to Climate Change   13 years 6 months ago
    stevor, You have been misled. Claim: It's cosmic rays. This idea is refuted at on intermediate and advanced levels of explanation. A short response is "Hypothetically, an increasing solar magnetic field could deflect galactic cosmic rays, which hypothetically seed low-level clouds, thus decreasing the Earth's reflectivity and causing global warming. However, it turns out that none of these hypotheticals are occurring in reality." For the full discussion see: Claim: CO2 lags temperature. brief explanation: "When the Earth comes out of an ice age, the warming is not initiated by CO2 but by changes in the Earth's orbit. The warming causes the oceans to give up CO2. The CO2 amplifies the warming and mixes through the atmosphere, spreading warming throughout the planet. So CO2 causes warming AND rising temperature causes CO2 rise." For the full discussion see: All in all this website now addresses 169 climate change myths. See also for a discussion of things going on ("fingerprints") that would not occur if we were not responsible for global warming.
  • Reply to: Disgruntled Journalists   13 years 6 months ago

