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  • Reply to: Taking on Bachmann, Whose Pants Are Always On Fire   13 years 6 months ago <blockquote>...But his communications director, Ray Sullivan, recently told the Wall Street Journal that the book is not meant to reflect the governor’s current views on Social Security, describing the book as 'a look back, not a path forward.' He added that the book was 'not in any way as a 2012 campaign blueprint or manifesto.'</blockquote>
  • Reply to: Justice Prosser Back in the Spotlight   13 years 6 months ago
    Prosser and the other Koch cronies have a very well thought out strategy: If the political group - lets call it Koch Suckas of America, donates $100,000.00 to the Prosser campaign, and it does not have to be disclosed, Prosser no longer has an ethical dilemna if he has to hear a case brougt by Koch Suckas of America, because he would not know that they gave him the money. Get it? Ignorance is bliss. Prosser could pretend to be impartial, and hand the Koch Suckas the decision they paid for becuase no one can ever say he took money from Koch Suckas of America. All Prosser has to do now is sign the opinion sitting on his desk written by an associate at the Troupis firm that says it is a violation of free speach to force the disclosure of names of politcal dollar donars donors and we are on our way to fascisim - one nation under Koch. I'm sure that Troupis, as a lawyer is disgusted by this to, but he is paid good money to forget about those nasty ethics that keep creeping up on him. On another point, maybe someone can tell me why corporations can have free speach, but cannot be put in prison when they put out products that they know will kill people. It is silly to think that a corporation can speak. The corporation is not speaking, the people who run it are. Just like in murder, the corporation is not doing the killing when it puts out a Ford Pinto (Ford knew it would explode if crashed into, but hid the facts, and decided it would be cheaper to pay the families of dead people than to recall the car) the ceo and the other decision makers are the murderers. If corporations want free speach, lets give them the other freedoms to, like the freedom to spend your life in jail when they decide the profit line favors dead people over safety. Wisconsin is open for business all right, and in four years when the Kochs are gone with all of our money, we will pay for the ruin they left.
  • Reply to: Morello Returns to Union Town   13 years 6 months ago
    Mr. „Watchdog“ Wendell Potter ǁ German TV → PHOENIX ǁ 8/23/2011 Dear Sirs; There remains something we’ve to talk about. Maybe you kindly give an answer. It all depends on Sir Winston Churchill. It’s a rather disturbing man. You are English and so you like to be proud about him that is clear but not fully understandably by outstanding people. It sounds funny. If you are German; of course that doesn’t count. But if you are Polish, that is something different. 1939 Sir Winston Churchill agreed and managed upon the Kathyn Massacre with Mr. Stalin. More 30 thousand Polish officers were massacred and brutal killed by the troupes of Mr. Stalin. Oh, what’s that; was Mr. Stalin not in a union with the dammed Hitler? Oh yes, but that’s shows that Sir. Winston Churchill and of course Mr. Stalin knew at that point about the aggression, the invasion of the Red Troupes, the communist against the brown Hitler SS. Consequently the Russian Troupes kept at the other side of the river not fighting but in rest until the Polish Revolt Army lost their fight against the German Troupes 1944. The rebellion would have a different end if the tactical knowledge if the Polish officers wouldn’t have massacred. You see the red line? But here is the next step. One in the BRD (Germany) highly honoured Mr. Prof. Hc. Dr. Hc. Marceli Reich-Ranicki; a man with a Polish, a German and a Israeli Passport; a man who following the court’s decision must be called “The Eichmann from Kattowitz” has talked with the Polish exile government in Great Britain to come home to the Polish Home Base. This brave People of this Government in GB had been killed shortly after they stepped out of the aircraft on Polish soil. But, was that enough? Well, think about the Palestine People. Maybe that sounds curious but 1942 a book came out in the USA; ‘Germany must perish’. All the Germans were meant to be perished by sterilisation. It was said that so many Germans were there, so many women and so many men. The job would have be done by so many doctors. All Germans were to be castrated Nazis, Democrats, Conservatives, and modern People, such who believed in Hitler, Communists, such who were fighting for the German Empire, Resistance People … the only ones that were not talked about were the Jews. The book only needed to became known in Germany. Who was it that made the book about the castration of all Germans known in Germany? The English BBC gave that notice time and again. Those people who were listening to the enemy broadcast got the notice first. What a pleasure to listen to enemy broadcast because it was strictly forbidden by execution. And what a pleasure for the Jews. That knowledge increased of course the friendship to the Jew right away. Figure out what it was like in the KZ. Imagine yourself what it was like to be in a KZ in a KZ. Fantastic; isn’t it? For you as a political and antifascist thinking one it notably important, after Cont Bernadotte had secured the Jews from Denmark – he had arranged for them to pass away to Stockholm by fisher boats – he was shot by the Star tie under Shamir-Begin. Isn’t it wonderful, is it? You know Mr. Wallberg; he saved the Jewish people from Budapest. He, as a Diplomat gave them international papers and cached them in his international sick bay where even communist fighters were welcome. He was displaced by the conqueror of Budapest the Russian Jewish General Sherenkow. We have some messages that he lived a couple of decades in prison in Russia. I’m getting a little bit disturbed. Nationalistic thinking people had given their money the Centrum (a political party in older Germany) and the Liberals in Germany and not to shit Nazis. The money to the Nazis had been given by the English. Merely a poor Telephone Call to an English general by the private Hitler brought the money for the propaganda paper of the clammy Nazis party. Is that correct, isn’t it? There is need to be said something different. I don’t know whether you’ve had the time to inform you. Hitler had five body doubles 1933. Who did know with whom he was talking? Three out of five the photos made from the Fuehrer in the Nazi regime is from the body doubles. The sightseeing of the Eifel tower is a typical it. Regards Dagobert R. Forner ǁ Dipl.Ing.
  • Reply to: Taking on Bachmann, Whose Pants Are Always On Fire   13 years 6 months ago
    A few years ago I first heard about Bachmann. At that time she was touting the popular sediments of most citizens, i.e. too much government intrusion in to our lives and how she would do this and that to change government for the betterment of the average joe and jane. This gal sounded like she had her head on straight. Someone I might vote for. However recently I heard her talking yet again to a crowd, and during her speech she mentioned her support for Israel. As soon as I heard her say that, I knew she had been bought and paid for, i.e. just another clone. I've yet to see or hear anyone I'd vote for, that includes Dr. Ron Paul, whom if you remember back in 2008 was doing great, raising grass root funding, had garnered the popular sediments of a fed up public, and then dropped out at the last minute leaving his supporters out to dry. The only candidate that even comes remotely close to being the correct candidate for the presidency is Kucinich. However he can't command enough support, which is not necessarily nor entirely his fault. When do we "if ever" receive a candidate that has the positive interest of the general public first and foremost in mind? I don't mean any candidate with empty promises, with no intentions of fulfilling those promises.... after all that's "violating the public trust" and amounts to simple fraud.
  • Reply to: Insurers Deliberately Confuse Policyholders and Dump the Sick   13 years 6 months ago
    For your continued efforts in acknowledging the truth regarding insurance practices. This specific article is absolutely on point. I'm an attorney and very familiar with healthcare issues. I've attempted to not only understand my own insurance policy (when I had healthcare insurance-I'm currently working for myself and cannot afford it even though I'm in optimal physical condition), and for relatives when they have been wrongfuly denied coverage. When an employee is on an employer based plan, an employee usually gets a one page summary (at most) of the benefits plan. They are then directed to the administrator with any questions. The administator will tell them to go online for a breakdown of their particular plan. (sounds easy for the most part--for the generation still working). Once one signs into their online benefits page, however, one quickly realizes that one has more questions than answers about one's coverage. Thus, one is directed to an insurance number for the plan. Upon calling the insurance number, one is directed to the plan administrator--many questions are meant to be left unanswered so claims can be easily denied, or to create a frustration level and insureds will surrender. It's nothing short of criminal.
