Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Workers Feel the Bite of Walker Bill   13 years 6 months ago
    If his increased pension & insurance contributions will really cost him $400 a month, that puts Mr. Bering's salary into the six-figure range. If that's going to keep them from adopting (with the huge tax credits available), he & his wife must be very profligate spenders, indeed!
  • Reply to: Gore Condemns Dirty Industry PR Tactics that Sow Doubt on Global Warming   13 years 6 months ago

    Indeed, as we ordinary citizens are made confused about different PR tactics on CO2 emissions relevant to global warming, companies do not realized that they can make us fool. Of course, we understand where and who contributes much in CO2 emission. All we pray is to make themselves realize that we on the same planet, whatever one does affects another. And worst even those who are about to come out to this world... our so called future generations. Stop those PR tactics, be transparent and sympathetic. Al Gore has all his point about his advocacy and I support him too.

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Workers Feel the Bite of Walker Bill   13 years 6 months ago
    I can't believe that public workers even make enough money to have $400 dollars per paycheck taken out. I don't know a lot of people that make $400.00 per week or every other week for that matter. This is exactly why our taxes are so high. If the employees don't like it then they can quit their jobs and let a person who would like to have a job of any kind that pays what ever they get to keep after these cutbacks. Stop bawling about the cuts and start living within the means of the new income just like the rest of the states population has had to do.
  • Reply to: Paul Ryan's Office Locks the Door on Unemployed Constituents   13 years 6 months ago
    This is Wisconsin and he's an unabashed elitist. Did you see this article from last week - he's hiding behind ticketed events now. This current stunt just puts him over over the top.
  • Reply to: Protesters Spotlight Corporate Influence in State Politics at ALEC Annual Meeting   13 years 6 months ago
    The fact that you believe in "democracy" and the police/prisons (citing how the person who allegedly spray painted on some disgusting hotel chain's wall deserved to be arrested) is the fundamental problem. Covering one's face is to protect the safety of anyone who feels the need to break a law they find oppressive and arbitrary -- safety from the oppressive iron fist of law enforcement. This is something which, in your world of collegiate activism, you can never understand. Blame the anarchists all you want: the truth is, your obedient protest rubric and liberal dogma is ineffective and stale. The fact that you would discourage anyone from attacking the institutions that you are there ostensibly to protest illustrates that you have some stake and faith in the system that is exploiting you. Anarchists do not. Besides, haven't you ever heard of a "diversity of tactics"? Didn't they teach you about that in Liberal Nonprofit Activism 101?! I guess not. Basically, you guys can still drive in from your respective cities to display some pathetic gesture of symbolic opposition (while making sure to follow every rule that would enable you to actually provoke any sort of dignified display of resistance) and anarchists will fight the way we see fit. I'd say "slimy" is applicable. For demonizing anarchists as being as bad as ALEC, a group who perpetuate and uphold systematic poverty and oppression the world over, is indeed pretty slimy.
