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  • Reply to: Gore Condemns Dirty Industry PR Tactics that Sow Doubt on Global Warming   13 years 6 months ago

  • Reply to: Paul Ryan's Office Locks the Door on Unemployed Constituents   13 years 6 months ago
    What, you all didn't get the memo? In order to access your elected officials (servants), you need to purchase Free Speech Tokens. Just ask the SCOTUS. Never forget, there are those who matter and those who do not...and it's measured in cold hard cash. Now piss off you pathetic plebes, and stop wasting Mr. Ryan's precious time...unless, of course, you have some Free Speech Tokens to cash in. LOL to the bank. Woo Hoo, he's rich beotch.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Workers Feel the Bite of Walker Bill   13 years 6 months ago
    Take a look at this. The unions are leaving the Democratic Party. Remember all the protesters in Madison, remember the zombies, remember the damage done. Remember the fists on the posters. All of that is over. There is no more loyalty. The teachers are leaving the unions. The unions are leaving the Democrats. The whole thing just disintegrated. Why do you think that happened? It's because the goals of the Democratic Party were not sustainable because you can't pull money out of other people’s pockets if there is no money there to begin with! The people that were protesting were the very upper middle class. The lower middle class and the poor just watched as these very selfish people just wanted more more more for themselves. They didn't care if 2500 of their fellow workers would be laid off; they just wanted more for themselves. These people fall by the wayside eventually by the weight of their own greed. Can you imagine what life would be like if the unions spent those billions of dollars trying to put more people to work for a civil wage? Can you imagine how many union members there would be? Everyone would want to be a member! Instead, selfishness and greed took over, unions are failing everywhere, and they are pulling the Democratic Party over the cliff with them. The parasite only feeds on the host when the host is healthy. Once the host is sick, the parasite leaves. Wisconsin is now becoming healthy again no thanks to the Democratic Party.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Workers Feel the Bite of Walker Bill   13 years 6 months ago
    I would think that Public employees would be happy to have a job with pensions and benefits. As someone who has had three different companies go under because of the economy, I would be thrilled to pay for a pension and have health insurance. Frankly, those in the public sector have been living on the gravy train for some time and they needed to adjust to what the realities in the marketplace are. Very few private companies if any, have the kind of benefits that the public sector employees have enjoyed for years.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Workers Feel the Bite of Walker Bill   13 years 6 months ago
    Dear Anonymous defenders of the Walker cuts: First of all, the article does not state anywhere that the $400 deduction is per week. People are often paid twice a month or even once a month. Second of all, it is undeniable that state workers are facing steep deductions due to Walker's changes to both health insurance and pensions. The notion that you cannot imagine retirement and insurance amounting to this much makes me wonder, quite frankly, if you have actually priced health insurance lately at all. Second of all, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, for the average state worker making $50,000 a year, the deductions add up to a 9 percent cut, or roughly $4,400, in take-home pay. But many workers make less than $50,000 and for them, the cuts go deeper. (That is, these are averages, some are taking more of a hit for family health coverage or retirement than others.) Third, despite the right-wing propaganda you may well have been fed by FOX and their echo chamber, the fact is that state workers actually are not better paid than private sector counterparts with comparable education and experience. In fact, many workers chose public service over higher pay and took less in pay in exchange for basic benefits like health insurance coverage and pensions to supplement the rock bottom poverty payments that social security amounts to. When will you stop accepting the frame that the billionaires bankrolling the propaganda that pits you against other workers as opposed to demanding that the billionaires and corporations pay their fair share, as Warren Buffett has eloquently explained? Lisa
