Many in the private sector complain that public sector employees have it too good, with decent pay, pensions and benefits that they don't have. But why don't they? This is the richest country in the world; the richest in the world's history. Why don't all its citizens have excellent wages and benefits?
The answer lies in the fact that for the past 30 years (of conservative government) all productivity increases, which have quadrupled in that time, have gone to the rich, and virtually none to the working classes, destroying the middle class in the process. It's not public employee unions that are destroying the lower classes; it's the filthy rich, who never have enough. CEOs make 400-1700 times the lowest paid worker, yet I never hear conservatives complaining about the grossly overpaid rich. Teachers who make $50,000 a year are paid too much, but CEOs who make tens of millions and hundreds of millions a year are just fine according to conservatives.
Inherited wealth is even worse. These people do no work but have tons of money, making them parasites and thieves living off other people's labor. They are much bigger parasites than the welfare people conservatives always dump on.
Unions are the last bastion of middle class jobs. If they are destroyed we will have a society with a few obscenely wealthy oligarchic families while everyone else is poor. Congrats conservatives!
I've updated the piece to clarify that the Bering family has estimated it will see about a $400 decrease per month. The piece previously stated $400 per paycheck. Hopefully that clears up any confusion with the piece.
Joel12345 will never argue the issues. His or her posts are nothing more than knee jerk righ-wing propaganda, all of them usually are the same empty rhetoric, missing is intelligent commentary, but big on right wing propaganda. His or her comments amount to "Democrats Bad."
Joel12345 will never argue that unions were necessary to stop a new form of slavery that arose in the 1920's and 30's when corporations began the exploitation of our goverment and our people. Our ancestors fought and died to form unions and give us fair wages, homes, good health care, education, and infrastructure. Abraham Lincoln, who was a republican, favored unions, because they protected human dignity and grew the middle class.
Walker wants us to adopt China labor standards, essentially the same labor standards present in America in the early 1900's - low wages, little rights, and oppression by the corporate overlords. At one time, China controlled its population through starvation. Walker even admitted in an interview that he would hold public employees jobs hostages if they did not captitulate wtih him. Walker does this because he is tool of a new generation of 1900's Robber Barrons' from the good old days of deregulation and the rule of greed. Walker has no conscious, he is not a Christian.
In the budget repair bill, Walker gave Wisconsin the ability to privatize water, and sell it. That is why the Koch's are ultimately here. To exploit Wisconsin, drain our natural resources, strip the middle class of its accummulated wealth by transfering it to the rich - and themselves. Like in Texas, Walker will give Wisconsin corporations the ability to pollute with impunity, wrecking our water and air for centuries to com. By the time the Kochs leave Wisconsin, it will be a superfund site. The situation is not unlike the kings of Saudi Arabia who take all of the wealth from the oil, and give little back to the people. Why are the kings in power in Saudi Arabia? Because they are a US puppet government who allow our corporations to exploit the wealth of their people. The Wisconsin Walker administration is a puppet government.
I will bet every reader out there that Joel 12345 cannot give an intelligent rhetort. What he will say if he answers is that this just ignorant left wing democrats blathering, blah, blah, blah. But tell me Joe12345 when the unions end, who will protect the American workers from exploitation? What makes you think the robber barrons will help you? You are next. You cannot save yourself from the poison they will fill our air and water with. Democrat or Republican we breath the same air and drink the same water.