Recent comments

  • Reply to: FTC: "One Trick for a Tiny Belly" Ads are a Scam   13 years 6 months ago

    I doubt it. I too have Ad Block Plus and it's a Godsend. Don't be so skeptical. He was just offering some good advice. As am I. Take it or leave it.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 6 months ago

    Monsanta has been systematically eliminating all farming that doesn't utilize its seed. It sells seed to farmer, and the farmer must promise not to 'keep' (recover) seed from the new crop. If they do they sue. So each year the farmer must buy new seed. Obviously, the seed will spread to neighboring fields, and then Monsanto will sue the neigbors for stealing their seed, and they usually win. When they do, they settle with the neighbor contingent upon THEM now using only their seed. Like the Nazi's crossing Europe, so goes Monsanto.

  • Reply to: Morello Returns to Union Town   13 years 6 months ago
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  • Reply to: Gore Condemns Dirty Industry PR Tactics that Sow Doubt on Global Warming   13 years 6 months ago

    Half of the posts in the link I previous provided address discrepancies in the assertions put forth in the cheesy Grist graphic. Perhaps they should consult with East Anglia's PR firm.

    Instead of thumping your chest and definitively declaring that your "scientific consensus" is correct, take a look at what's going on.

    Address the issues -

    Why the PR firm?

    Why continuing to cover for East Anglia? Is that all you got?

    Why are contradictory studies refused peer review?

    Why are scientists pushing for censorship at the BBC?

    Why the refusal to share data?

    Why do AGW proponents refuse debates?

    This is not the behavior of a group with the truth on their side.

  • Reply to: Fox News' "Madison Protest" Footage Aims to Deceive   13 years 6 months ago

    I can’t say if this is absolute ‘fake’ news. However, the video segment is definitely not showing the same news as Mike Tobin was reporting. The problem is Fox News just simply picked one of those VNRs, Which has been prepared already by (may be) PR people. Journalists have the duty to represent truth not only one-side story to public. With every news they report, it should have enough researches and works been done. Using VNRs for broadcasting is disrespectful. As journalists’ responsibility, they should satisfy public’s best interest. Well, at least, make news footage by themselves.
