Wear Green to Work Tuesday


Statewide WI
Event Details
Event Date: 
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - 11:00pm

From FaceBook (log-in required):

We are the people of Wisconsin. Wisconsinites who embrace winters, eat cheese curds and brats, celebrate the Packers and Badgers. We are parents and students, retirees and workers, women and men, from every walk of life and all across the state. We are proud of our history and people. We love this state.

We look across it with concern. We see Wisconsin suffering the aftermath of the largest economic collapse since the Great Depression. Job loss and unemployment rip at the fabric of our communities. Our schools, parks, libraries and basic services – so long a strength of the state – are under increasing stress.

These are hard times and times to come together to solve the serious problems we face.

Instead of leading us together into the future, Governor Walker has decided to declare war. Since his election, he has consistently pursued the divisive path of rewarding friends and eviscerating enemies. Now, under the guise of "budget repair" he proposes tear apart the fundamental structure of public sector unions in the state.

We have had enough.

To Governor Walker, we say no.

No to unilateral de-unionization of the state and its teachers, trash collectors, librarians, nurses, and other workers who have devoted themselves to public jobs. No to unilateral power grabs and privatization. No to special regulatory deals for friends.

We are Wisconsin. We love this state. And today and from now on, we say NO.