Who are the 2018 Koch Candidates? [1]
Submitted by David Armiak [2] on

At the 2018 Koch Donor Summit in January, the network of billionaires convened by Charles and David Koch announced that it plans to spend $400 million in the 2018 midterm election cycle, close to double the amount spent [3] in the 2014 midterms and a 60 percent [4] increase over the 2016 election cycle. The Kochs had planned to spend $900 million [5] in the 2016 election cycle, but ended up spending less after Trump won the Republican nomination. "We will be spending more than any midterm in our network history," Americans for Prosperity's president Tim Phillips said.
"My challenge to all of us is to increase the scale and effectiveness of this network by an order of magnitude, by another tenfold on top of all the growth and progress we've already made," Charles Koch said [6] to more than 500 attendees, who each donated at least $100,000 in 2017.
That "progress," detailed in documents revealed by The Intercept [7], includes backing out of the Paris Climate Accord, undoing the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Power Plan, getting Neil Gorsuch confirmed to SCOTUS, and Trump's massive tax cut for corporations and the wealthy.
The Kochs' network has already spent 35-40 percent of the $400 million pledged, according [8] to Phillips. This includes money spent on policy campaigns and state-level efforts. Americans for Prosperity is "active" in 36 states.
A close examination of campaign finance disclosures from the Koch Industries Political Action Committee (KochPAC) shows that Team Koch has identified, and is investing heavily in, candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. To date, all but two of the Koch candidates are Republican.
The Kochs spend much of their money on i360 [9], its data analytics company, which compiles information on the "199 million active voters," and on its array of front groups, including Americans for Prosperity, Libre Initiative, Concerned Veterans for America, Generation Opportunity, and Freedom Partners Action Fund. Koch Industries also attempts to indoctrinate [10] its 50,000 employees on whom and what to vote for or against.
During the 2016 election cycle [11], some of these groups endorsed candidates, but none have come out with endorsements to date for this cycle.
The disclosed spending of the Kochs through their KochPAC is only part of a much larger electoral operation.
Without further ado, below are the Koch Candidates of 2018. Stay tuned to ExposedByCMD for more on the Kochs' electoral activities and the Koch Candidates 2018 page [12] on SourceWatch for regular updates between now and the November election.
U.S. House of Representatives
- Rep. Martha Roby (R-02): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Martha Roby for Congress.
- Rep. Robert Aderholt [14] (R-04): $3,500 [15] contributed [16] by KochPAC to his Robert Aderholt for Congress.
- Rep. Andy Biggs (R-05): $6,000 [13] contributed [17] by [18] KochPAC to Biggs for Congress.
- Rep. David Schweikert (R-06) $2,500 [15] contributed by KochPAC to Friends of David Schweikert.
- Former State Sen. Debbie Lesko (R): $10,000 [13] contributed [19] by KochPAC to Debbie Lesko for Congress. She ran for the 8th District seat and won the seat on April 24, 2018.
- Rep. Steve Womack (R-03): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Womack for Congress Committee.
- Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-04): $6,000 [16] contributed [18] by [18] KochPAC [20] to Westerman for Congress.
- Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-01): $2,500 [13] contributed [21] by KochPAC to the Doug LaMalfa Committee.
- Rep. Tom McClintock (R-04): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by KochPAC to McClintock for Congress.
- Rep. Jeff Denham (R-10): $10,000 [15] contributed [17] by [16] KochPAC to Denham for Congress. He also received [17] $10,000 [13] from KochPAC for his Jeff PAC.
- Rep. Jim Costa (D-16): $1,000 [18] contributed by KochPAC to Jim Costa for Congress.
- Rep. David Valadao (R-21): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by KochPAC to Valadao for Congress.
- Rep. Devin Nunes (R-22): $6,500 [13] contributed [18] by KochPAC to the Devin Nunes Campaign Committee.
- Rep. Steve Knight (R-25): $10,000 [13] contributed [17] by KochPAC to Steve Knight for Congress.
- Rep. Mimi Walters (R-45): $10,000 [13] contributed [17] by [16] KochPAC to Walters for Congress.
- Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-48): $2,500 [17] contributed by KochPAC to Rohrabacher for Congress.
- Rep. Scott Tipton (R-03): $7,000 [13] contributed [22] by [15] KochPAC to VoteTipton.com. Tipton also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC to his Taking An Independent Perspective Together For Our Nation PAC.
- Rep. Ken Buck (R-04): $5,000 [13] contributed [16] by KochPAC to Buck for Colorado.
- Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-05): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by KochPAC to Lamborn for Congress.
- Rep. Mike Coffman (R-06): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by KochPAC to Coffman for Congress 2018.
- Rep. Ted Yoho (R-03): $5,000 [16] contributed [23] by [24] KochPAC to Ted Yoho for Congress.
- Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-06): $5,000 [15] contributed [23] by KochPAC to Ron DeSantis for Florida. KochPAC also contributed $5,000 [18] to DeSantis's First Principles Fund.
- Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-16): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Vern Buchanan for Congress.
- Rep. Earl "Buddy" Carter (R-01): $6,000 [17] contributed [25] by KochPAC to Buddy Carter for Congress.
- Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-03): $1,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Drew Ferguson for Congress.
- Rep. Karen Handel (R-06): $10,000 [13] contributed [17] by [25] KochPAC to Handel for Congress.
- Rep. Rob Woodall (R-07): $10,000 [16] contributed [20] by [24] KochPAC to Rob Woodall for Congress.
- Rep. Austin Scott (R-08): $10,000 [13] contributed [25] by KochPAC to Austin Scott for Congress. He also received another $5,000 [13] from [16] KochPAC for his WellsPAC.
- Rep. Doug Collins (R-09): $5,000 [13] contributed [26] by [15] KochPAC [26] to Collins for Congress.
- Rep. Jody Hice (R-10): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Jody Hice for Congress.
- Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-11): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Loudermilk for Congress.
- Rep. Rick Allen (R-12): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Rick W. Allen For Congress.
- Rep. Tom Graves (R-14): $7,500 [18] contributed [20] by [25] KochPAC to Graves for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Georgia PAC.
- Rep. Peter Roskam (R-06): $10,000 [15] contributed by KochPAC to his Republican Operation To Secure And Keep A Majority (ROSKAM PAC). He also received [19] another [18] $9,000 [16] from [20] KochPAC [22] to [23] his Roskam For Congress Committee.
- Rep. Mike Bost (R-12): $10,000 [13] contributed [17] by [15] KochPAC [23] to Mike Bost for Congress Committee.
- Rep. Rodney Davis (R-13): $5,000 [20] contributed by KochPAC to Rodney for Congress.
- Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-14): $5,000 [15] contributed [20] by KochPAC to Randy Hultgren for Congress.
- Rep. John Shimkus (R-15): $5,000 [15] contributed [26] by KochPAC to his Volunteers for Shimkus. He also received $5,000 [17] for his John S Fund.
- Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-16): $500 [18] contributed by KochPAC to Kinzinger for Congress.
- Rep. Darin LaHood (R-18): $5,000 [13] contributed [17] by KochPAC to LaHood for Congress.
- Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-02): $5,000 [13] contributed [20] by KochPAC to Walorski for Congress.
- Rep. Jim Banks (R-03): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Jim Banks for Congress.
- Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-08): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Bucshon for Congress.
- Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-09): $5,000 [13] contributed [16] by KochPAC to Trey for Congress.
- Rep. Rod Blum (R-01): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by KochPAC to Blum for Congress.
- Rep. Steve King (R-04): $5,000 [16] contributed by KochPAC to King for Congress.
- Rep. Roger Marshall (R-01): $9,000 [16] contributed [22] by [18] KochPAC [24] to Kansans for Marshall.
- Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-03): $10,000 [15] contributed [17] by [16] KochPAC [25] to Yoder for Congress.
- Rep. Ron Estes (R-4): $10,000 [15] contributed by KochPAC to Team Estes directly, and another $5,000 to Team Estes through the Kansas Republican Party. He also [20] received [18] $10,000 [13] from [16] KochPAC [22] for Ron Estes For Congress.
- Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-02): $7,500 [13] contributed [25] by [24] KochPAC to Guthrie for Congress.
- Rep. Thomas Massie (R-04): $1,000 [17] contributed by KochPAC to Thomas Massie for Congress.
- Rep. Andy Barr (R-06): $10,000 [13] contributed [23] by KochPAC to Andy Barr for Congress, Inc.
- Rep. Steve Scalise (R-01): $10,000 [17] contributed [15] by [18] KochPAC [25] to Scalise for Congress. He also received another $10,000 [22] from KochPAC for his The Eye of the Tiger Political Action Committee. Scalise also received $85,000 [20] from KochPAC for his Scalise Leadership Fund.
- Rep. Mike Johnson (R-04): $5,000 [13] contributed [27] by KochPAC to Mike Johnson for Louisiana.
- Rep. Garret Graves (R-06): $5,500 [16] contributed [18] by [24] KochPAC to Garret Graves for Congress.
- Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-02): $6,000 [13] contributed [25] by [26] KochPAC to Poliquin for Congress.
- Rep. Andy Harris (R-01): $10,000 [13] contributed [17] by [25] KochPAC to Andy Harris for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] from [20] KochPAC for his Chesapeake PAC.
- Rep. Jack Bergman (R-01): $5,000 [13] contributed [15] by KochPAC to Bergmanforcongress.
- Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-02): $4,500 [13] contributed [16] by KochPAC to Huizenga for Congress.
- Rep. Fred Upton (R-06): $5,000 [15] contributed [23] by KochPAC to Upton For All Of Us.
- Rep. Tim Walberg (R-07): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by [22] KochPAC to Walberg for Congress.
- Rep. Mike Bishop (R-08): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Mike Bishop for Congress.
- Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-10): $2,000 [15] contributed [22] by KochPAC to Friends of Paul Mitchell.
- Rep. Jason Lewis (R-02): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by [15] KochPAC [23] to Jason Lewis for Congress.
- Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-03): $8,500 [15] contributed [23] by [20] KochPAC to Friends of Erik Paulsen. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his ICE PAC.
- Rep. Tom Emmer (R-06): $7,000 [16] contributed [23] by [17] KochPAC to Emmer for Congress.
- Rep. Collin Peterson (D-07): $9,500 [15] contributed [26] by [24] KochPAC [18] to [27] Peterson for Congress. He also received $3,500 [17] from KochPAC for his Valley Political Action Committee.
- Pete Stauber (R): $5,000 [20] contributed by KochPAC to Pete Stauber for Congress Volunteer Committee. He is running for the 8th District seat.
- Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-03): $1,000 [17] contributed by KochPAC to Blaine for Congress.
- Rep. Billy Long (R-07): $5,000 [15] contributed [18] by [24] KochPAC to Billy Long for Congress. Long also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Believe in Life Liberty Yourself, AKA Billy PAC.
- Rep. Jason Smith (R-08): $2,500 [16] contributed by KochPAC to Jason Smith for Congress.
- Rep. Greg Gianforte (R-AL): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Greg for Montana.
- Rep. Don Bacon (R-02): $10,000 [13] contributed [24] by KochPAC to Don Bacon for Congress.
- Rep. Adrian Smith (R-03): $5,000 [13] contributed [17] by KochPAC to Adrian Smith for Congress.
New Jersey
- Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-03): $10,000 [27] contributed [26] by [20] KochPAC to Tom MacArthur for Congress.
- Rep. Leonard Lance (R-07): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Lance for Congress.
New York
- Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-01): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by [17] KochPAC [22] to Zeldin for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Lee PAC.
- Rep. Dan Donovan (R-11): $5,000 [17] contributed by KochPAC to Donovan for Congress.
- Rep. John Faso (R-19): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by [17] KochPAC to Faso for Congress.
- Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-21): $5,000 [17] contributed by KochPAC to Elise for Congress.
- Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-22): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by [16] KochPAC [17] to Claudia Tenney for Congress.
North Carolina
- Rep. George Holding (R-02): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by KochPAC to George Holding for Congress.
- Rep. David Rouzer (R-07): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to David Rouzer for Congress.
- Rep. Richard Hudson (R-08): $8,000 [13] contributed [15] by [22] KochPAC [18] to [25] Hudson for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his First in Freedom PAC.
- Rep. Pittenger for Congress (R-09): $5,000 [13] contributed [17] by KochPAC to his Pittenger for Congress.
- Rep. Mark Meadows (R-11): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by [23] KochPAC to Meadows for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his House Freedom Fund.
- Rep. Ted Budd (R-13): $5,000 [13] contributed [22] by KochPAC to Ted Budd for Congress.
North Dakota
- Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-AL): $1,000 [18] contributed by KochPAC to Cramer for Congress. KochPAC also contributed $5,000 [23] to Cramer's Badlands PAC. Cramer will not be seeking reelection, as he is running for U.S. Senate instead.
- Rep. Steve Chabot (R-01): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Steve Chabot for Congress.
- Rep. Jim Jordan (R-04): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by [20] KochPAC [25] to [27] Jim [23] Jordan for Congress.
- Rep. Bob Latta (R-05): $2,500 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Latta for Congress.
- Rep. Bill Johnson (R-06): $5,000 [13] contributed [23] by [18] KochPAC to Johnson for Congress.
- Rep. Steve Stivers (R-15): $10,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to his Support To Ensure Victory Everywhere PAC. He also received [25] $5,000 [15] fo [16]r Stivers for Congress.
- Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-02): $8,000 [13] contributed [15] by [17] KochPAC [16] to [23] Mullin for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Boots Political Action Committee.
- Rep. Steve Russell (R-05): $1,000 [15] contributed by KochPAC to Steve Russell for Congress.
- Rep. Greg Walden (R-02): $10,000 [15] contributed [26] by KochPAC to Walden for Congress. He also received [17] $5,000 [16] from [18] KochPAC for his New Pioneers PAC.
- Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-05): $2,500 [27] contributed [24] by KochPAC to Kurt Schrader for Congress.
- Rep. Mike Kelly (R-03): $10,000 [15] contributed [25] by KochPAC to Mike Kelly for Congress. He also received [17] $10,000 [13] from KochPAC for his Keep America Rolling PAC.
- Rep. Scott Perry (R-04): $5,000 [13] contributed [16] by KochPAC to Patriots for Perry. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his First Capital PAC.
- Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-05): $1,000 [17] contributed by KochPAC to his Greater Tomorrow PAC. He also received $5,000 [13] from KochPAC for Friends of Glenn Thompson.
- Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-12): $10,000 [13] contributed [23] by [17] KochPAC to Rothfus for Congress. Rothfus also received [24] $10,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Relight America PAC.
- Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-16): $1,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Smucker for Congress.
South Carolina
- Rep. Mark Sanford (R-01): $8,000 [13] contributed [23] by [26] KochPAC [24] to [27] Sanford for Congress.
- Rep. Joe Wilson (R-02): $2,500 [17] contributed by KochPAC to Joe Wilson for Congress.
- Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-03): $6,000 [16] contributed [22] by [20] KochPAC to Jeff Duncan for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] for his Jobs, Energy and Our Founding Fathers PAC.
- Dan Hamilton (R): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Dan Hamilton for Congress for his campaign for the District 4 seat.
- Rep. Ralph Norman (R-05): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Ralph Norman for Congress.
- Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-01): $2,500 [20] contributed by KochPAC to Louie Gohmert for Congress Committee.
- Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-04): $2,500 [20] contributed by KochPAC to Ratcliffe for Congress.
- Bunni Pounds (R): $5,000 [24] from KochPAC to Bunni Pounds for Congress for her campaign for the 5th District seat. She lost in the May 22 primary.
- Rep. John Culberson (R-07): $10,000 [13] contributed [23] by KochPAC to Culberson for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Let Texans Run Texas PAC.
- Rep. Michael McCaul (R-10): $5,000 [18] contributed [25] by [20] KochPAC to McCaul for Congress.
- Rep. Mike Conaway (R-11): $5,000 [15] contributed by KochPAC to his Conservative Opportunities for a New America PAC. He also received $5,000 [20] from KochPAC to Conaway for Congress.
- Rep. Randy Weber (R-14): $1,000 [20] contributed by KochPAC to Weber for Congress.
- Rep. Bill Flores (R-17): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by [16] KochPAC [18] to [25] Bill Flores for Congress.
- Rep. Pete Olson (R-22): $6,000 [13] contributed [23] by [25] KochPAC [17] to Olson for Congress Committee. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Freedom Matters PAC.
- Rep. Will Hurd (R-23): $7,000 [15] contributed [16] by [23] KochPAC [24] to Hurd for Congress. He also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Having Unwavering Resolve and Determination PAC.
- Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-24): $5,000 [17] contributed by KochPAC to Kenny Marchant for Congress.
- Rep. Michael Burgess (R-26): $1,000 [20] contributed by KochPAC to Michael Burgess for Congress.
- Bech Bruun (R): $10,000 [13] contributed [20] by KochPAC to Bech Bruun for Congress. Bruun is running for the 27th District seat. Bruun lost the primary on May 22.
- Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-28): $2,500 [27] contributed by KochPAC to his Texans for Henry Cuellar Congressional Campaign.
- Rep. Pete Sessions (R-32): $6,000 contributed by KochPAC to Pete Sessions for Congress, and another [20] $10,000 [13] to [15] his People For Enterprise Trade And Economic Growth (PETE PAC).
- Rep. Brian Babin (R-36): $2,500 [17] contributed by KochPAC to Dr. Brian Babin for Congress.
- Rep. John Curtis (R-03): $5,000 [22] contributed by KochPAC to Curtis for Congress.
- Rep. Mia Love (R-04): $2,500 [16] contributed by KochPAC to Friends of Mia Love.
- Rep. Scott Taylor (R-02): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Scott Taylor for Congress.
- Rep. Tom Garrett (R-05): $5,000 [13] contributed [23] by KochPAC to Tom Garrett for Congress.
- Rep. Dave Brat (R-07): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by [17] KochPAC [23] to Friends of Dave Brat. Brat also received $5,000 [24] from KochPAC for his Building and Restoring America Together PAC.
- Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-09): $10,000 [15] contributed [18] by KochPAC to Morgan Griffith for Congress. He also received [20] $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his Fightin' Ninth PAC.
- Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-10): $10,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Comstock For Congress.
- Dino Rossi (R): $10,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to Dino for Congress. He is running for the 8th District seat, with Rep. Dave Reichert retiring.
West Virginia
- Rep. David McKinley (R-01): $5,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to McKinley for Congress.
- Rep. Alex Mooney (R-02): $2,000 [16] contributed [17] by KochPAC to Alex Mooney for Congress.
- Rep. Glenn Grothman [28] (R-06): $10,000 [13] contributed [16] by [25] KochPAC [15] to Glenn Grothman for Congress. Grothman also received $5,000 [17] from KochPAC for his 1848 PAC.
- Rep. Sean Duffy (R-07): $6,000 [16] contributed [23] by [18] KochPAC [24] to Duffy for Wisconsin. He also received $10,000 [24] from KochPAC for his AX PAC.
- Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-08): $2,500 [16] contributed by KochPAC to Mike Gallagher for Wisconsin.
U.S. Senate
- Rep. Martha McSally (R-02): $10,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC to McSally for Senate. McSally received another $7,500 [24] from KochPAC for McSally for Senate through the Senators Classic Committee.
- Sen. Cory Gardner (R): $5,000 [15] contributed by KochPAC to his Project West Political Action Committee.
- Rick Scott (R): $2,500 contributed by KochPAC to Rick Scott for Florida, his U.S. Senate campaign.
- Sen. David Perdue (R): $10,000 [15] contributed [20] by KochPAC to his One Georgia PAC.
- Sen. Pat Roberts (R): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by [16] KochPAC [23] to [26] his Preserving America's Traditions PAC.
- Sen. Jerry Moran (R): $5,000 [23] contributed by KochPAC to his Free State PAC.
- Sen. Bill Cassidy (R): $1,000 [25] contributed by KochPAC to his Continuing America's Strength and Security PAC.
- Sen. Roger Wicker (R): $10,000 [16] contributed [22] by KochPAC to Wicker for Senate.
- Sen. Roy Blunt (R): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by [16] KochPAC to his Rely on Your Beliefs Fund.
- Josh Hawley (R): $6,000 [13] contributed [17] by KochPAC to Josh Hawley for Senate.
- Sen. Ben Sasse (R): $5,000 [16] contributed [26] by [17] KochPAC to his Sensible American Solutions Supporting Everyone PAC.
North Dakota
- Rep. Kevin Cramer (R): $9,000 [13] contributed [24] by KochPAC to Cramer for Senate.
- Rep. Jim Renacci (R): $10,000 [13] contributed by KochPAC directly to Renacci for Senate, and another $7,500 [24] from KochPAC through the Senators Classic Committee.
- Sen. James Lankford (R): $10,000 [13] contributed [15] by KochPAC to his Leadership And Accountability Are National Keys PAC.
- Sen. Jim Inhofe (R): $10,000 [15] contributed [20] by KochPAC to his Fund for a Conservative Future.
- Rep. Lou Barletta (R-11): $10,000 [13] contributed [17] by KochPAC to Lou Barletta for Senate.
South Dakota
- Sen. Mike Rounds (R): $5,000 [15] contributed [22] by KochPAC to Peter Norbeck Leadership PAC.
- Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-07): $10,000 [16] contributed [23] by [21] KochPAC to Marsha Blackburn for Congress. She also received [24] $10,000 [17] from KochPAC for her Making A Responsible Stand For Households In America PAC.
- Sen. John Cornyn (R): $1,000 [15] contributed by KochPAC to his Alamo PAC.
- Sen. Ted Cruz [29] (R): $7,000 [16] contributed by KochPAC directly to Ted Cruz for Senate, and another $2,000 [24] through the 2018 Senators Classic Committee.
West Virginia
- Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R): $5,000 [26] contributed by KochPAC to her Wild And Wonderful PAC.
- Patrick Morrisey (R): $5,000 [18] contributed by KochPAC to Morrisey for Senate.
- Sen. John Barrasso (R): $10,000 [15] contributed [20] by [17] KochPAC [25] to Friends of John Barrasso. Barrasso also received [26] $5,000 [27] from KochPAC for his Common Values PAC.
This article has been corrected - Patrick Morrisey is not a senator in West Virginia.