Charles Koch, Modern Robber Baron, Exposed
Proof that Charles was a member of the John Birch Society.
Proof that Charles was a member of the John Birch Society.
New information and analysis documenting that Charles Koch raised funds for the John Birch Society.
Here's a guide to how the government has focused its weapons of surveillance on millions of Americans.
Scholars at UC Berkeley recently released a study finding that low wages in the fast food industry cost taxpayers $7 billion every year.
The Center for Media and Democracy is submitting testimony to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights for the hearing this week.
On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding an important hearing examining the harmful effects of the so-called “Stand Your Ground” gun laws that were promoted for years as a “model” by the American Legislative Exchange Council and the National Rifle Association.
The documents leaked by Edward Snowden and published by the Guardian and other outlets confirm what privacy advocates have been saying for years: The government has secretly turned its most powerful weapons of foreign intelligence surveillance inward on millions of Americans.
Today, the Koch-funded "Freedom Partners," which secretly distributed $250 million during the 2012 election season, posted its first federal tax report which uncloaked several Koch-related entities that were previously unknown. Last week, Politico broke the news of the existence of this group. Today, new details of the group's spending are available for the first time.
George Zimmerman -- the Florida man who shot teenager Trayvon Martin to death -- has landed in the news again, after a panicked 9-1-1 call Monday from Shellie Zimmerman in which she told a police dispatcher she was "really scared" because her husband had threatened "that he's going to shoot us."
The Wall Street Journal's latest defense of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), penned by WSJ Editorial Board Member Stephen Moore, fails to disclose Moore's deep ties to ALEC.
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